Tax Policy Released

22/05/2011 10:25

Presiden Farhan and the Prime Minister has signed a new tax policy, Firday (19/5). The policy are entirely formulate by President Farhan and 95% of Parliament members approved it. This is all regulations:

  1. Tax that must pay is Income tax, Vehicle tax, Land and building tax, Ideology tax and Public transport ticket tax.
  2. The Haram (Prohibited) goods (Alcohol, Cigarette, Beer) are given 100% excise tax. Various weapons are exempt from the tax
  3. Omported goods from other Micronation are impose import tax for 5%
  4. Stamp tax is RpY 10 (Ideological tax applies)
  5. Members and supporters of Coalition party are exempt from tax.


The Ideological tax is a tax that applied to the adopted taxpayer ideology. Communist, Socialist and Socia-democratic are exempt from this tax. and pretends to be religious, Islam extremist and other must pay RpY 100. This tax also applied in Stamp tax.

President Farhan hopes, this tax policy will improved the state financial.